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thu06febAll Daysat08EYC in Paris(All Day)(GMT+01:00) 47, rue de la Colonie Event Organized ByEUSOBI

mon10feb18:00mon19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.2 / Developments in high risk screening18:00 - 19:00(GMT+01:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI

mon24febAll Daytue25EUSOBI Mammography & beyond Course - With a special focus on AI(All Day)(GMT+01:00) Am Stadtpark 1 Event Organized ByEUSOBI


thu13mar18:00thu19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.3 / Developments in intermediate risk screening (i.e. including dense breasts)18:00 - 19:00(GMT+01:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI


wed23apr18:00wed19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.4 / Developments in recalls from screening18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI


tue13may18:00tue19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.5 / Developments in imaging patients with reconstructed breasts18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI

fri23mayAll Daysat24EUSOBI Advanced Breast Imaging Primer: A preparatory course for the European Diploma in Breast Imaging(All Day)(GMT+02:00) Radnička cesta 21 Event Organized ByEUSOBI


tue10jun18:00tue19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.6 / Developments in symptomatic women18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI