EUSOBI Mammography & beyond Course
Head: Prof.Dr. Thomas H. Helbich
Dr. Alexandra Athanasiou
Dr. Eva M. Fallenberg
Prof. Ruud M. Pijnappel
Dr. Sophia Zackrisson
The EUSOBI Mammography & beyond Course aims to give a thorough overview of different Mammography (MG) based techniques like tomosynthesis, contrast enhanced MG, synthetic MG and CT of the breast. Beside fundamental technical considerations, results of different ongoing clinical trials will be presented and training on different MG based techniques will be provided. Theoretical lectures will be enhanced by hands-on workshops on systems provided by different vendors. The course has limited access in order to ensure that each participant has the possibilty to work with different MG based techniques.
Educational outcome
Over the course of 2 days, experts in mammography based imaging will:
- provide up-to-date reviews on the use of mammograpy, tomosynthesis and the value of contrast enhancement
- provide up-to-date information on quality control and dose issues on 2D Mammography and DBT
- emphasise the basic principles for mammography, tomosynthesis and the value of contrast enhancement
- utilize interactive teaching & problem-solving case presentation
- employ workshops to allow hands-on experience of mammography, tomosynthesis and the value of contrast enhancement
Upcoming Course
Past Courses
Date: February 27-28, 2023
Location: Vienna, Austria
14 European CME credits (ECMEC®s)
Click here to see the course programme
AB-CT – Advanced Breast-CT
GE Healthcare
Kheiron Medical Technologies
Siemens Healthineers
Hands-On Session Programme
AB-CT – Advanced Breast-CT
First-hand Experience Reading Breast CT
Andreas Boss, Zurich/CH
Magda Marcon, Zurich/CH
Jann Wieler, Zurich/CH
Sojin Shim, Zurich/CH
Workshop description:
This workshop will give an interactive deep dive into photon-counting breast CT imaging. Prof. Andreas Boss and his team from University Hospital Zurich will provide first-hand insight into the clinical applications and image reading – including native scans, contrast-enhanced imaging and an outlook on AI techniques by b-rayZ. As this is hands-on, participants will be encouraged to try the diagnostic reading themselves.
GE Healthcare
Optimizing Clinical Practice with CEM routine & CEM-biopsy
Rodrigo Alcantara, Barcelona/ES
Javier Azcona, Santander/ES
Workshop description:
See how the new CEM-biopsy technique revolutionize patient care in breast imaging interventional procedure.
GE Healthcare is a pioneer for CEM-biopsy, and you will hear from an early adopter about the outcomes after two years experience and appreciate the latest image quality
Contrast-Enhanced Mammography in Clinical Practice
Jacopo Nori, Florence/IT
Giuliano Migliaro, Florence/IT
Chiara Bellini, Florence/IT
Francesca Pugliese, Florence/IT
Workshop description:
The objective of this 90-minute workshop is to provide participants the fundamental knowledge of contrast mammography in clinical practice and introducing the specifics of CEM images through a selection of cases with training value. After a presentation of the technology and current published evidence the workshop will focus on case review. The participant will be given the opportunity to review selected cases and discuss these as part of the interactive session of the workshop
Selecting and deploying AI for real-world clinical practise
Tobias Rijken, Kheiron Medical
Cary Oberije, Kheiron Medical
Dee Dinneen, Kheiron Medical
Rita Fülöp, Budapest-Gothenburg/HU-SE
Workshop description:
Introducing AI into breast screening workflows to support radiologists can enable a higher level of diagnostic performance whilst also improving operational efficiency and dramatically improving patient experience. However, when it comes to safely and effectively adopting this new technology, an understanding of its unique risks, benefits and evidence requirements are crucial to recognising what ‘best practice’ to aim for. Through a series of presentations, case studies and a guided reading session with real-world clinical cases, this workshop will demonstrate how Kheiron is de-risking AI adoption in breast screening through deployments and unique clinical studies.
Siemens Healthineers
Multimodal imaging for state-of-the-art breast diagnostics:
Wide-angle DBT incl. biopsy and Titanium CEM in the clinical routine
Paola Clauser, Vienna/AT
Clara Park, Wiesbaden/DE
Date: February 25-26, 2019
Location: Vienna, Austria
14 European CME credits (ECMEC®s)
Click here to see the course programme
AB-CT – Advanced Breast-CT
GE Healthcare
Siemens Healthineers
Hands-On Session Programme
AB-CT – Advanced Breast-CT
First hand experience reading Breast CT images – best practices from University Hospital Zurich
Andreas Boss, Zurich/CH
Nicole Berger, Zurich/CH
Magda Marcon, Zurich/CH
Benjamin Kalender, Erlangen/DE
Advances on digital mammography: overview on Tomosynthesis, tomobiopsy and CEDM application in a clinical environment
Anna Russo, Negrar/IT
Claudia Kurtz, Luzern/CH
GE Healthcare
Elevating Personalized Breast Care with AI: Mammography advanced applications case studies – discover the power of AI in DBT and of mammography second generation contrast imaging
Elisabetta Giannotti, Nottingham/UK
Planmed Continuous sync-and shoot DBT and optimized screening
Maksimilijan Kadivec, Ljubljana/SI
Elena Vasileiadi Drakotou, Larissa/GR
Siemens Healthineers
Siemens Healthineers 50° wide-angle DBT and TiCEM Reading Session
Maria Bernathova, Vienna/AT
Paola Clauser, Vienna/AT
For any questions, please contact:
Katharina Kienmeyer
Phone: +43 1 533 40 64 912