Dr. Julia Camps Herrero (Valencia, Spain), current Vice President of the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI), talked on the importance of the radio-pathological correlation for radiologists during the refresh course on intraoperative specimen evaluation at ECR 2017.
Quantifying the extent of breast cancer and minimizing the risk of positive margins in a pre-operative planning with breast surgeons is essential. This is especially true in complex cases such as extensive DCIS, multifocal disease, cancers with an extensive intra-ductal component (EIC) and multi-centric cancers. The lesions can be marked with several techniques (hook-wire, radioactive seeds, SNOLL (Sentinal Node and Occult lesion localization), ROLL (Radioguided Occult lesion localization)) and eventually the specimen obtained during surgery can be examined by means of mammography, ultrasound and lately, tomosynthesis. The lecture mainly focused on many critical issues that radiologist can encounter while evaluating the specimen such as being aware of the surgical protocol and the patients’ staging results in order to quickly convey the information on margins to the surgeon.
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