Dear Colleague,
Burnout, which many of us have experienced, not only negatively affects those suffering from it and their loved ones, but also negatively impacts patient care.
To promote vitality in our workplaces, we are conducting a survey to assess the prevalence of burnout, as well as the contributive and protective factors, specifically in breast radiologists.
This is a member research survey and not commissioned by the EUSOBI. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary, all responses are anonymous, and while the study results may be published or used to teach others, no identifying information will be used for these purposes.
Should you have any questions related to this survey, please contact Donna D’Alessio, MD, at
Otherwise, please click the link below to begin.
We thank you in advance for your participation,
Julie Gibbons, MD
Thomas Atkinson, PhD
Donna D’Alessio, MD